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Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh

07 Days Yoga & Meditation Retreat in Rishikesh, India with Happy Yoga International – 2020

Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in. And this is the point of spiritual practice; to make us teachable; to open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are. — Rolf Gates

Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh, India is an ancient philosophical thought that increases your physical, mental as well as spiritual well-being. It combines stylized body poses or Asanas with sophisticated breathing and meditation techniques. The term Yoga is itself derived from a Sanskrit word that means ‘union’ or joins together. The ultimate aim of yoga & meditation is to unite your body and mind with your soul. We mistakenly think that we are just our body and mind, and totally ignore our soul. Yoga breaks this long-held myth and helps you unite with your soul.

We offer an extensive Yoga retreat that will awaken your soul, and help you realize your true self. Amidst the silence and divinity of Himalayas, as well as the tranquillity of holy Ganges, we will take you on this exciting journey of self-discovery and exploration.

Why Choose Rishikesh for a Retreat?

Rishikesh is one of the spiritual centres of India and houses hundreds of spiritual ashrams or retreat centres. The city is located on the banks of the river Ganga, nestled in the foothills of Himalayas. The city has a high spiritual energy that can even awaken the spiritual nerves of an ordinary person. The city also houses a number of temples and is always brimming with Vedic and divine chants, rejuvenating your mind as well as soul, and touching your spiritual nerve centres. The idyllic location and spiritual vibrations of Rishikesh make it the perfect place to learn and practice spirituality.

We offer an affordable and exhaustive two-week yoga retreats in Rishikesh, India that will rejuvenate your body, mind as well as spirit in a holistic manner. Along with yoga retreat, we also offer vacation activities, such as rafting, trekking, and sightseeing. Also, we provide a complementary Ayurvedic massage therapy for body relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation.

We offer competitive prices and offer packages starting from as low as USD 350. Register Today!

Why Must You Go to a Yoga Meditation Retreat?

  • Practice and understand the holistic lifestyle
  • Rejuvenate body, mind as well as Soul
  • Realize your inner self or soul
  • Reduce stress, tension or pain
  • Achieve supreme bliss and happiness
  • Acquire mental strength and agility

The one or two weeks Yoga Retreat includes–

  • Daily Yoga classes & Practice (Monday to Saturday)
  • Private room with hot & cold running water
  • Free Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Three times meals
  • White river rafting / local day trek / Local Sightseeing
  • Ayurveda massage (30 minutes)
Yoga Retreat Happy Yoga, Rishikesh

Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh

One or Two week Yoga & Meditation Retreats Daily Schedule

The one or two week Yoga retreat has been carefully designed to help you get the maximum benefits from the ancient Yoga practice and staying with nature, practice spirituality in the midst of Himalayas, and on the banks of the holy Ganges.

The daily schedule is as follows:

  • 07:00: Wake up
  • 07:30 – 08:00: Yogic Cleaning (purification)
  • 08:00 – 08:45: Pranayama & Meditation
  • 08:45: Free time (Juice / Tea)
  • 09:00 – 10:30: Yoga Practice (Beginner & Intermediate)
  • 10:30: Breakfast
  • 12:30 – 01:30: Yoga Philosophy & life Style
  • 02:00: Lunch
  • 04:30 – 05:30: Yoga Practice
  • 05:30 – 06:30: Free Time
  • 06:30 – 07:30: Meditation
  • 08:00: Dinner and Group Discussion
  • 09:45: Lights out


We offer residential facilities to all our students, so that when they arrive here, all they do is learn, and not waste time in arranging various facilities. Our school is conveniently located in the foothills of Himalayas, at the banks of Holy River Ganges, providing the perfect milieu to learn & practice spirituality.

The rooms are equipped with all modern facilities and include a seating area, balcony with the beautiful and picturesque view of the Himalayas, attached bathroom with hot and cold shower, and Wi-Fi facility. The healthy and nutritious food is prepared with oriental spices and natural Himalayan herbs as per the Yoga guidelines. The food is completely satvic, and doesn’t contain hot spices or artificial additives.

Airport Transfers and taxi to pick up and drop can be organized at extra cost. Please check Accommodation page for more details.


1What are the benefits of Yoga?

Yoga essentially brings you closer to your inner self and it removes your attachment to the physical reality surrounding your soul. Hence, it is the path towards liberation or self-actualization. Once we attain that state, we reach a state of perfect bliss, pure consciousness devoid of ego, attachments, desires etc. Yoga not only has immense spiritual and emotional benefits, but it improves our physical health as well. Through asanas, Yoga also vastly improves our physical fitness.

2 How long should I practice Asanas?

A daily practice of 30 minutes to 1 hour is enough for practising Asanas. But meditation can be practised for long periods of time as per your convenience.

3What will be the strength of the classes?

There might be approx 15-20 students per class.

4Why should I learn Yoga classes in Rishikesh?

Yoga is not a luxury, but a necessity for your body, mind as well as the soul. In today’s modern world which is chasing material wealth and comforts, we spend almost lost touch with our reality, and think that we are only our physical body. Yoga science says that inside our physical body, there is a spiritual body or soul or Purusha or Brahma. To lead a blissful existence free of pains, sorrows and vicissitudes of life, it is crucial to real our essential nature, else we get immersed in the vicious circle of happiness and sorrow defined by our physical reality.

5 What is the suitable time for Yoga?

Early morning before sunset is considered to be the perfect time to practice Yoga. Yoga can be done in the evening after lunch having a break of 4 hours. In the evening you can have tea or juice 30 minutes before starting yoga. Yoga can also be done anytime but with the empty stomach.

6Any age limit for doing Yoga?

There is no upper or lower age limit for learning or practising Yoga. But of course, if you are physically ill, and too little to practice complex Asanas, then it is advisable not to try too hard.

Reviews on Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh India