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Teacher Training Course

Happy Yoga International: Yoga School curriculum

Teacher Training Course

HAPPY YOGA INTERNATIONAL: Yoga Teacher Training Course

Anyone can practice. Young man can practice. Old man can practice. Very old man can practice. Man who is sick, he can practice. Man who doesn’t have strength can practice. Except lazy people; lazy people can’t practice Ashtanga yoga.

Best Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India: 2020 have been designed keeping in mind your unique requirements and to give you the comprehensive understanding of Yoga philosophy. The course curriculum has been designed on the basis of the original scripture ‘Yoga Sutras’ by Patanjali, covering all the eight essential parts of Yoga. The course not only helps you learn Yoga but also trains you to be a qualified Yoga teacher.

Our certified Yoga instructors will help you to develop an in-depth understanding of the ancient discipline that has been practised for centuries. Besides asana or postures, the beginners will be taught meditation, chanting, pranayama, sat karma or cleansing ritual. Any beginner who wishes to develop their yoga practice further can continue their learning with us as we also offer intermediate and advanced levels of yoga.

Happy Yoga International is registered with Yoga Alliance USA. Located in the serenity of Himalayas, and at the bank of river Ganges, Happy Yoga International is the one-stop destination for learning and practising spirituality.


Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga that emphasizes physical exercises or body postures to enhance your physical fitness and mental endurance level. In the Yoga philosophy, it is believed that you need to be physically prepared to follow the difficult yogic path, that involves strict discipline and mental chastity. The word Hatha literally means “force” in Sanskrit. The term “Hatha yoga” connotes a system of supplementary physical techniques within the broader concept of Yoga and comes under the ‘Asanas’ part of the eight-fold path of Ashtanga Yoga.

The Hatha yoga practice emphasizes proper diet, processes to internally purify the body, proper breathing and its regulation particularly during the yoga practice, and the exercise routine consisting of asanas (bodily postures). The aims of Hatha yoga have traditionally been the same as those of other forms of yoga like Raja Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Sahaj Yoga etc. They include physical siddhis (special powers or bodily benefits such as slowing age effects) and spiritual liberation (moksha, Mukti).


Ashtanga yoga literally means “eight-limbed yoga,” as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. According to Patanjali, the path of internal purification for revealing the Universal Self consists of the following eight spiritual practices:

  • Yama– Practice of precepts (Self – restraints)
  • Niyama– Practice of virtues (Self – observation)
  • Asana– Postures (disassociation of consciousness from the outside environment)
  • Pranayama– Breath Control
  • Pratyahara– withdrawal of senses
  • Dharana– Concentration
  • Dhyana– Contemplation (Meditation)
  • Samadhi– Trance (Identification with pure consciousness)

The purpose of Ashtanga vinyasa is internal cleansing. As a part of Ashtanga Yoga, the synchronized breathing and movement in the asanas cause heating of the blood, cleaning and thinning it so that it may circulate more freely in the body. Improved blood circulation relieves joint pain and removes toxins and disease from the internal organs. The sweat generated from the heat of Vinyasa then carries the impurities out of the body. Through the use of vinyasa, the body becomes healthy, light and strong.


The YTTC is a unique, profoundly transforming and enriching experience that is based on the ancient Indian teaching system of ‘Gurukul’, which integrates the moral, philosophical and health training. For the intense 28 training days in yoga school students strengthen their own yoga practice through self-discipline and build better awareness of the nature of mind, body and spirit. They also build a firm foundation to become an accomplished Yoga teacher.

The TTC provides a fantastic opportunity to awaken or deepen your yoga practice, build networks with like-minded people, and to be a part of the global yoga community. The experience will create a lasting impact on your mental, emotional and physical well-being.

For more details and practical information about the course see the TTC Curriculum.


  • The goal of this training program is to produce qualified and dynamic yoga teachers who are able to draw on their own practice and personal discipline in imparting the yoga experience to others.
  • The curriculum is based on the five points of yoga which can be understood as the practical application of the traditional eight paths of yoga.
  • The intensive daily schedule includes two meditation sessions, two yoga classes, two lectures, one hour of service to the studio community. One day a week is lecture-free
  • The course instruction will be in English


  • Mantra chanting with Ethics of the day
  • Practice and Techniques of Shat karma (Cleansing techniques)
  • Practice and techniques of Asana (Physical postures)
  • Practice and techniques of Pranayama (Breathing practices)
  • The practice of Dhyan (Meditation)